Saturday, 12 January 2013

Bigi's tale of trouble and woe

Hi, my name is Bigi, and it cost my ma $5300 to get me looking like this!

I took the man to Muroch University Vet hospital with a suspected broken shoulder. After the following:
- knee, elbow and shoulder xrays
- knee and elbow ultrasounds
- knee and elbow joint fluid samples
- elbow arthroscopy
- elbow tissue sampling
- chest and abdomen xrays
- blood tests
- biopsy of liver lump
- spleen tissue biopsy
- obscure tests sent to the US looking for strange bugs
- two nights in hospital in varying states of sedation,
we emerge knowing only that himself has either infection in his elbow joints, or inflamation. He also has moderate joint arthritis, and an odd thing where the leg bones are predisposed to split lengthwise that is normally a genetic quirk reserved for spanials. The cause of his lameness remains unknown. He has a shady looking spleen xray too. We wait for more test results.

Sen's agility debut

In the beginning there was Sen. A package of fear and fearlessness, shy but curious, a rather risky selection from the puppy box, but there was something about her (apart from the killer good looks; photo by Hannu Gummerus).

Last weekend my belle went to her first agility trial, and ROCKED. Mama was so proud - a double Q and two 1st places on her first outing (4 results out of 6 starts even). Here she is with her certificates and pretty ribbons, and her new competition record book I bought her as a present for kicking arse.


It was a rather long journey to success, in more ways than one. After the intial hurdles of broken leg and international moves, there was still the matter of 600 km of desert driving, which means rather limited scenic variation.

We ended up having a fine time in Perth. While Bigi was stuck in the hospital, we travelled the city. Visited a few beaches, had some nice river shore walks, and generally good gal time.

Should we, or should we not go to the beach?

Sen and Bigi on Twin Rocks Beach

Sen in the city
Sen at Kwinana Beach