Sunday, 11 December 2011

Bigi Training 12.2011

No sure why these are silent movies...they shouldn't be!


Sen training 12.2011

Failed pageant children?

And here we are at a Match Show - the princess was again last. Hmm, time for some action... (photo by Miia Toivola)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Family portraits

Damn this icy weather - it is spoiling everything! No training outside, no travelling to training inside. A catastrophe! Lucky it gives time for long walks, and time for Big Sister #1 to draw your picture. Kiitos Outikkalle :)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Plastic tally 2011!

Here on a -20 C morning (afternoon might be more correct) I am supposed to be writing a paper for a geophysics journal. But my poor willpower brings me here.

As Bigi is now retired from the pageant world (bummer but health before beauty I suppose, and with less weight to carry maybe he'll run faster!!) I thought some homage may be in order. For a while I have had a tradition of taking a picture of the year's show results, and here it is, for the last time :( Of course the wall is now edited for just highlights (translation: red+yellow = Best of Breed; green+white =Best of Opposite sex; green+red = Championships; big rosettes = group placings 3rd+4th):

Lucky there will still be agility results (gods willing!). 2011 plastique (6 x 1st; 4 x 2nd; 3 x 3rd + level 1 certificate):

The stats are not bad either. Result (i.e. not NQ) 65% of the time, 50% of these with no course faults. So far at level 2 to we have an 80% result rate :):) Some issues with time faults persist, but everyone needs a challenge.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

First snow, late snow

I tried for some good birthday photos today. Didn't really get the right light. Sen was more interested in vole hunting - a very powerfull distraction!

Sen, 1 year+1day:

Bigi: 5.1 years:

Bigi training 24.11.2011

Sen starts "official" training

Sen's 3rd  "official" training session. Not bad - more tunnel cue training perhaps?

Friday, 25 November 2011


The trio of terrific sisters Sen, Vilma and Donna are 1 year old today!

And a cake (actually a meatloaf) for our lady Sen!